Thursday, May 30, 2024

An unusual view

I don't have a lot of photos of this view, essentially looking south from the north forty toward our neighbors' roof line. The north façade of the house isn't particularly interesting, and two big fir trees blocked most of the view. But now those two trees are gone and the view has opened up.

Looking south, with the tilleul (linden tree) on the right.

Wednesday was a grey, blustery, and wet day. American friends who are vacationing in Paris came down (by train) for a leisurely lunch. Ken and Bob know each other from grad school many (many!) years ago. It was fun to catch up and hear the two of them reminisce. The last time we saw Bob was at their home in the Boston area in 2012 and the last time we saw Norma was when she and Bob visited us the year before that. We wish they could have stayed longer.


  1. I do love your new more open views. So nice when old friends visit.

  2. Nice view of that roof.

  3. Mary in Oregon31 May, 2024 02:22

    Short visits always leave me wanting more! Great that you were able to relieve Ken from return drive. Also nice that he offered to clean the kitchen while you were battling rush hour traffic. You both helped each other!


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