Friday, May 10, 2024


Today's our twelfth wedding anniversary, although we've been together for forty-one years. You know, something about the law changing. The ceremony was simple (the officiant and her husband, two long-time friends, and two newer friends), informal (I did wear a button-down shirt), outdoors (under a tree in Albany's Washington Park), and drama-free (no relatives on either side).

Ken on the left, Walt on the right.

Our "reception" was lunch in a downtown restaurant. There may have been some champagne. After lunch, some of us took a leisurely walk around downtown like tourists, stopping in to visit a church, a cathedral, and the state capitol.

Jack's restaurant, a downtown institution.

And that was it. The administrative paperwork leading up to the ceremony was a little complicated, but the great staff at city hall pulled it all together. 

State Street, downtown Albany.


  1. Jan from Perth10 May, 2024 09:56

    Congratulations, guys! Dean and I were legally married in Holland in April 2008, and that fact was already legally recognized in Australia before we arrived here in 2011. I hope you enjoy a sunny lunch! Greetings from Perth from Jan & Dean.

  2. Happy anniversary! How fortunate you are to have each other - and your life in France!

  3. Congratulations on 12 years of being legal. I can’t believe you managed to pull it off while avoiding any family drama. Jack’s Restaurant looks grand.

  4. Happy anniversary! I don't remember getting to see Jack's Restaurant when you originally posted photos :)
    Woo hoo!

  5. Let me add my best wishes to you and Ken on the occasion of your 12th anniversary.

  6. Joyeux anniversaire! I'm so happy I got to see you that weekend. I haven't been to Jack's in ages. It may be time to go back! Enjoy your day!

  7. It was a wonderful day. I remember the excitement of going to the courthouse, the beauty of the ceremony setting (there were tulips blooming), and a delicious meal. I'm going to frame your photo soon. Happy Anniversary!

  8. Happy Anniversary to two great guys!

  9. Congratulations, Happy Anniversary to you and Ken!

  10. Mary in Oregon10 May, 2024 20:46

    Wonderful wishes to two great guys for your anniversary celebration today!

  11. Happy Anniversary!
    Linda from Alabama

  12. Thanks to all for the warm wishes!


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