Sunday, May 05, 2024

A snowball's chance

I've been trying to get a photo of our neighbors' snowball bush for about a week. When the sun's out, there's too much contrast. When it's been cloudy, it's also been windy and there's too much motion. Yesterday was a day of rain without wind, so I was able to get this view from the kitchen window. The falling rain gives the image a little blur (le flou artistique), but it's not too bad.

A dark and rainy Saturday. The view from the kitchen window.

I had a fire in the wood stove most of the day. The temperature was around 10ºC (about 50ºF) and it rained most of the day. The house felt chilly, so the fire helped to take the chill off. We're very nearly out of wood (but not out of the woods) and I really don't want to have to order more (and stack it) until later in the year when it's warmer and dryer. Come on. spring!


  1. The bush is glorious. Keeping a good thought for warmth and sunshine for you.

  2. That snowball bush is beautiful. Hopefully your weather will warm up soon!

  3. Beautiful snowball bush. Thanks for answering my question yesterday. I meant to tell you, May the fourth be with you but was busy getting ready and going to a wedding and forgot.

  4. Yikes, cold and rainy sure does need a nice fire in the fireplace.

  5. Mary in Oregon06 May, 2024 00:45

    I so often get a good hearty chuckle when I read your blog! Snowball's chance in H _ _ _ - right? And then the zinger at the end - "out of the woods" - I needed to have a chuckle. Today one of the ladies I played with was in a bad mood (who knows what goes on in the minds of my partners?) and it really takes the fun out of playing pickleball. Our rain politely took a breal between 9:30 and 11 this morning. Even a little break from the constant rain helps. My fingers are crossed it works for you, two, as well.


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