Friday, May 24, 2024

View from the Mars rover

Oh, wait. It's just a nid de poule (pothole) out on the vineyard road. There are quite a few of them. It rains, they fill up, they drain, they dry. Until they're filled in by the town.

There are definitely signs of liquid water on this planet.

Tasha was groomed yesterday, as planned. She looks great! So clean. So soft. It won't last.

I took advantage of a partly sunny morning to do some yard trimming. The grass along either side of the garden path was more than knee-high. Mowers can't cut it because of a raised stone border on either side of the path. A weed-eater (strimmer) would work, but the string on mine breaks against the stone every time and I spend more time re-winding the string than I do cutting. This time, I used the hedge trimmer to cut the grass down to the height of the wall. That went surprisingly well and took no time at all. I wonder why I never thought of doing that before now. I also used the walk-behind mower to get into some of the smaller places that the riding mower can't go. I declare the yard well and truly mowed! At least for the next week or so.


  1. Thank you.... you've just given me a title for a similar abstract picture of a dried puddle!
    I wonder if there are 1/43rd scale models of a Mars Rover.....

  2. Oh, I was hoping for a view of your house from the Mars rover!

  3. Wow, that is dry land. Whew.
    I'm excited for you having this new mower :)

  4. tim, you can find almost anything on the internet!

    mitch, maybe with the Hubble telescope...

    judy, interestingly enough, it's not at all dry. Looks can be deceiving! :)

  5. I enjoy how your life is so connected to the earth and its cycles.


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