Saturday, May 18, 2024


That's where les fourmis (ants) live. They're digging a lot out on the vineyard road and their anthills are everywhere.

An anthill in the dirt road out back.

I fixed my French tax return according to the instructions that the tax office gave me. I had a little trouble finding one of the fields they wanted adjusted, so I just wrote the answer in an e-mail and resubmitted the return, hoping for the best. Ten or fifteen minutes after I hit the send button, the tax office responded that they had accepted the return and the matter is now considered closed. Yay!


  1. Oh, those industrious ants. Congrats on the tax return completion!

  2. What would we do without email? Glad your problem was solved quickly and easily.

  3. Mary in Oregon18 May, 2024 22:35

    Great news. I hate to get envelopes from the government! Usually it is something trivial. Your acceptance email denies all the long stories about the french red tape! I see an eye looking out from the anthill!

  4. mitch, thanks. Doing the taxes is always stressful!

    evelyn, me too!

    judy, :)

    mary, I feel the same way when I get an envelope from the gov't. And it's usually nothing to worry about.

    1. Mary in Oregon20 May, 2024 22:38

      Good plan - I noticed there was no comment about tape! Best left to one's imaginations!

  5. formic acid I think comes from crushed ants.


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