Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Window boxes

They're called jardinières in French. It's the generic word for a planter box, whether it's on a window, on a table, or on the ground. Last year we planted geraniums in our kitchen window boxes. This year, we're trying œillets d'Inde (French marigolds).

If they survive, they'll fill in nicely.

When we first moved into the house, I planted marigolds in the ground around the real fake well. They were great. The next time I planted them there, they were devoured by slugs and snails. I haven't tried again since. Until now, and in a different location. I figure that the window boxes might be a little safer being off the ground. Also, slugs and snails might have a hard time crossing the rough stucco finish on the house's exterior. We'll see how it goes.


  1. I hope they thrive. It will be beautiful. We once planed 108 marigold plants in a garden behind our house in Connecticut. The next morning, they had all disappeared. We never knew what got them.

  2. They will look lovely. I look forward to seeing more photos, as they grow (please) :) Thanks for the new word, too :)

  3. I usually plant marigolds near my tomatoes to ward of insects, luckily we don't have many slugs.

  4. I’m sure they will be beautiful. Looking forward to more pictures.


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