Saturday, May 25, 2024

A touch of grass

I mentioned trimming the tall grass along the garden path stone border. Here's a visual. This section is under a tree, so the grass here is not as thick and tall as most of it was. But now it's all gone!

The last of the tall grass along the border wall in the south forty. Note to self: get rid of the moss.

I'm going in to the market this morning. I haven't been in a while. I'm hoping there will still be asparagus, but the season is winding down. It doesn't help that the weather has been so chilly and wet. Also on my list: strawberries, goat cheese, chicken sausages, and egg rolls.


  1. I see you have a traditional French grocery list. Trimming that border would make me very satisfied.

  2. I bet strawberries at the market would be so good as it is strawberry season!

  3. Your shopping list sounds delicious.

  4. Mary in Oregon25 May, 2024 17:33

    My list has been including strawberries, but I prefer purchasing when they are on sale...I keep waiting! Meanwhile I have been enjoying my frozen blueberries with bananas in my morning oatmeal! Hope you find some beauties!

  5. The strawberry's are amazing here in the South right now. Keep the moss, it adds character

  6. My first emotional reaction is don't you have some nice young man lawn service to do all this for you?


Tell me what you think!