Saturday, May 04, 2024

Alien invasion?

Nope. Just farm machinery. You'll recognize the blue vehicle as the driverless tractor from earlier in the week. The yellow one is a sprayer for applying an anti-fungus treatment to the grape leaves. That one needs a driver... and there he is! I think he was taking a break to ensure that the driverless thing was working correctly. Shortly after I took the photo, the guy got back in the cab are started spraying again.

Take me to your leader.

Friday morning was nice. That is, sunny and dry. It didn't last past noon, but it was enough for me to get my market errands done without getting wet. We now have eight tomato plants, three eggplant plants, and three bell pepper plants in the greenhouse ready to plant in the garden plot. If it ever stops raining long enough to till it up.


  1. If you Photoshopped the background, this could be a scene from Star Wars.

  2. "If it ever stops raining long enough to till it up.".... I now have all our potatoes in big grow bags and will do the same with the courgettes and cucumber... everything else is in modules to go into the beds If it ever stops raining long enough to till it up.
    And the tubes on the sprayer, and the driverless unit, do look very alien!!
    The sprayer, especially, looks as if it would fit well into "War of the Worlds"

  3. All that fellow in the vineyard needs is a robot dog from Boston Dynamics to run along after him!

  4. Looks like a Texas longhorn cow! Glad you got your marketing done before the rains came!

  5. I don’t remember if you’ve grown these veggies from starter plants before or from seeds?

  6. mitch, and, it was Star Wars day!

    tim, and it's still raining! Ugh.

    kiwi, ha!

    evelyn, me too. Phew!

    bettyann, I used to grow them from seeds, with mixed results. I'll still plant seeds for squash (summer and winter) and beans. If this rain ever stops!!

  7. dear me it does look foreign


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