Friday, May 03, 2024

To market, to market

Just a quick post today so I can get myself together and out to Montrichard's Friday market. The town is about fifteen/twenty minutes away and I like to get there early to beat the crowds (such as they are).

Looking northeasterly, a view of our hamlet from out among the vines.

I noticed yesterday that all the pliage is done in the vineyard parcels out back. I've seen tractors spraying (there's one in this photo, it's yellow/orange in color) to reduce the risk of leaf mold. It's been pretty damp of late.


  1. My mother would have snatched this photo and done an oil painting.

  2. I remember the one summer when it was cool and rainy all summer, and your tomatoes never really took off. I'm hoping for warmer times for you this year :)

  3. I love this photo- May is my favorite month.


Tell me what you think!