Friday, October 05, 2012

Windows and doors, part four

Another one? Really? Well, I just couldn't resist this shuttered window. I like the iron brackets. I like the cut-out hearts. The whole building was like this.

You gotta have heart. Click to ventriculate.

The shutters on our house are brown. Because it's a relatively new house (built in the mid-1960s), and because the roof tiles are brown, another color on the shutters wouldn't look quite right. Unless it was white. Maybe.

But, all the original shutters had the same cut-out heart motif as those shown above. I think it's a pretty common thing here in our part of France. We only have one set of original shutters still hanging on the house: four panels that close over the large door between the living room and the deck, each panel with a cut-out heart shape. The rest have been systematically replaced with more modern metal or PVC shutters.

We found many of the original shutters stored in the garage and garden shed when we moved in, all with the cut-out heart shape. I lay them across saw horses and use them as makeshift work surfaces when the need arises.


  1. They're lovely. My shutters are just the standard brown, but I think I'm going to repaint them dark green.

  2. Doesn't a heart or two change everything! The brackets are quite unusual. Thanks.

  3. These are charming. Normally, I would see hearts and think "sappy." But not here!

  4. Those are really cute shutters.

  5. Home is where the heart is!

  6. If I chose to spend my money that way, I would order shutters from France for my home. I have no curtains so I can enjoy the western view, but during the cold evenings, it would be terrific to close the shutters! Just too expensive for me.
    The heart-shaped hardware would be on my order pad for sure!

  7. Is there an explanation for the cut-outs?

  8. King Iron Works

    Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand the topic, thank you!

  9. Seriously, I wouldn’t be able to resist that too. It’s so unique and vintage-y. Even if it entails consistent maintenance, like you, I’d do some adjustments whatsoever to incorporate even some of its design. :D I love how it’s traditionally-structured, but aesthetically beautiful to grace a home. D

  10. It kind of reminds me of the movie, Cinderella. ^_^ Although the window is very classy, maybe it’s time to replace it, seeing how rusty the hinges are. And you did mention these are original shutters. The materials may not be as sturdy as it used to be anymore because of the age.

    Marla Hinds


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