Sunday, October 23, 2016

Optical Allusion

Alluding to a time past, that is. If you read Ken's blog, you know that we were in a town called Châtillon-sur-Indre one day last week for lunch. After lunch, we took a short walk around the center of town. It's a pretty place, but kind of sad. Most of the businesses that once thrived around the central square are gone. Stores stand empty, except for a bakery, a second-hand shop, a newstand, and a café or two. The town has lost much of its population over the past decades.

A now-defunct optical shop on Châtillon's main square. The shuttered building next door is for sale.

The landscape guy and his dad showed up Saturday morning to start work on assembling the greenhouse. They worked until just past sunset (!) before packing up for the day. They put most of the frame together and poured the concrete footings. They'll be back next Saturday to finish up the frame and install the glass panels. It looks like a complicated job, but they seem to be doing it well.


  1. It must be hard being the Mayor of such a village, all could so easily go very downhill.

  2. Such a beautiful photo that tells such a sad story.

  3. I love the green plant with the green of the storefront surround and windows. You have such a good eye for framing. Oh! I made a pun! Because I'm excited to see your framed-in green house soon :)

  4. abandoned building what a pity

  5. Looking forward to seeing the green house !

  6. potty, I wouldn't want the job...

    mitch, things may turn around one day.

    judy, haha!

    gosia, there are many.

    evelyn, us, too!


Tell me what you think!