Friday, August 02, 2019

Pots on the deck

I was sitting out on the deck yesterday afternoon and thought this view of some of our potted plants looked nice, so I snapped a photo. The weather has turned summery again, but nowhere near as hot as it was not long ago. It's still dry, though.

Potted plants on the north end of the deck. The red flowers are dipladenia a.k.a. mandavilla.

So, the daily watering ritual continues in the vegetable garden and on the deck. The basil and chives are doing well, probably because it's been hot, but the cilantro has bolted and is flowering. Out in the garden, I picked three more zucchini and several yellow cherry-style tomatoes, and some of the peppers are forming now.


  1. You were right. The potted plants and background DO look nice.

  2. Your patio is wonderful in all directions.

  3. It does look pretty! I love seeing pictures of your deck and everything on it, especially in summer. You have such a lovely place there!

  4. a jade plant; love those! spouse was able to pick some cherry tomatoes and some regular tomatoes this week; I guess the heat has helped them along.

  5. Lovely greenery. And the jade plant looks very good.


Tell me what you think!