Monday, September 21, 2020

Last day of summer

This year, the autumnal equinox happens on the 22nd, tomorrow, making today the last full day of summer in the northern hemisphere. It sure has felt like summer for the past week or so with warm days, unusual humidity, and mosquitoes in the night. We're still running the loft fan at full to try to pull in some cooler night air. I find myself looking forward to a little bit of fall chill.

The Jerusalem artichokes in front of the garden shed lean toward the sun.

Signs of fall are all around. The grape harvest is mostly done for the year. Leaves are turning and many have begun to tumble (a little early if you ask me), it gets lighter later and darker earlier, and hunting season begins next weekend.


  1. Yesterday was a gorgeous day here, too, and we were talking about the beauty of the oncoming fall season.

  2. we have had to turn on the heat this past week, as it turned cold. happy autumn!

  3. We've also had a bit more summer here and I am also looking forward to a bit of fall chill (which is not much of a chill here, but still). It amazes me how quickly the grape harvest is done.

  4. Don't I wish! Summer shows no sign of letting up here like an guest long worn out its welcome.

  5. In northern Or
    egon it feels like the end of summer. This morning I felt a little snap in the air on my walk.

  6. judy, nice!

    anne marie, ouf! Our heat hasn't come on yet, but I'm sure it won't be long.

    mitch, a good deal of the harvest is done mechanically, which goes very fast.

    michael, hang in there!

    whimsy, it's nice when the seasons change. We didn't notice it so much in San Francisco when we lived there.


Tell me what you think!