Saturday, September 26, 2020

The apples don't fall far from the tree

I haven't had to cut the grass since the last time, which was August 24. More than a month ago. Since then, the apples continue to fall from our two trees. Now they carpet the ground. Picking them up will be a chore, when I get around to it. I could just let them rot on the ground, but I'm not sure I could stand to do that. I'm thinking that I will cut the grass at least one more time before winter. So, up they must come.

The old saying is right: the apples don't fall far from the tree. Although a few of them do roll around a little.

I'm going to the produce store this morning for a few things. Among them, pecans. I want to make some pumpkin bread this weekend and I have a hankerin' for pecans. If they have any, they'll likely be a little pricey. But it's not like I need a truckload. Just enough for a loaf or two of pumpkin bread.


  1. Well, I’m glad you haven’t had to cut the grass since the last time. :)
    Pumpkin bread, yum!

  2. What a job. The color of the "carpet" is beautiful right now. They don't fall far fro the tree but the spread of the trees ensures they fall plenty far.

  3. Too bad you can't herd a few deer into your yard. They'd take care of those apples.

  4. Mmmmm, pumpkin bread with pecans... j'adore

  5. Oui - and I know you have the pumpkin! Please share the recipe when you finish! I will buy some pecans when I'm out today in advance!

    I have a large white-tailed deer who has now chosen to spend most of his days in my quasi-garden (thank goodness - not where I have any plants at present - just where I took out all the vinca and blackberry vines in preparation for some bulbs). He has at least 2 1/2 ft of antlers. I would be happy to send him to you if it was feasible - who as Diane M suggested above would aid you in your apple project! And - give me an opportunity next week when our rain will disappear and we are expecting 80-degree days to plant my bulbs!

  6. do you make cider or applejack?

  7. Unknown is really Mary in Oregon, I made a change and I lost my photo.

    Mary in Oregon


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