Sunday, February 04, 2024


Our friend of many years, Charles-Henry (CHM), died on Friday. He was 99 years old. Charles-Henry was Ken's boss in Washington, DC, back in the early 1980s and we've been friends since. A native Parisian, he loved the southern California deserts and lived there for many years after he retired. Thanks to Charles-Henry, we got to visit many of the desert places he knew and loved.

CHM, pointing out a cactus (or something like it) in the desert near the Salton Sea. Digitized color slide, 1997.


  1. What a privilege to have a friend like that for so many years.

  2. From what you and Ken have written about him, CHM was a very intelligent, cultured and good-hearted person. Very sorry for your joint loss of this good friend.

  3. We're very sorry to hear this. I am glad we met him that time he came with you to visit him a few years ago. I always enjoyed reading his comments on your blogs and will miss him.

  4. CHM loved the desert- so glad you had such a good friend and we got to know him through you. We are all going to miss him here but we will always remember his wit and opinions. I had hoped to visit him in Arlington but the pandemic kept us away.

    1. Yes, Evelyn, I had hoped to visit him in Arliington too!

  5. So very sorry that you and Ken have lost such a good friend of so many years. His comments were always much appreciated.

  6. Oh, this is so much the end of an era. It's hard to imagine your comment space--or Ken's, at least--without input from chm. This is a great photo to see :)

  7. So sad to hear that he has died. We shall miss his comments on this and other peoples blogs. What a lovely photo. Lesley

  8. I'm so sorry. It's hard to lose a good and long-time friend. Thank you for letting us know, and for that great photo.

  9. That was Chrissoup.

  10. Thanks for the photo, Walt. He has been a 'mystery person' all these years with just a silhouette or a shadow in your many photos, but now I can visualize the man along with his commentary. You, of course, will have all those memories of the many trips and experiences you and Ken have shared with him.

  11. That was Mary in Oregon

  12. sad news this. It sounds like he lived a long and splendid life good for him!

  13. Thanks for all of your kind words and memories. :)


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