Saturday, February 10, 2024

Stony heights

Here's another photo that I took in Gordes. You can see part of a terrace visible on the upper left side of the image. The views from up there must be amazing. I wonder what some of these places look like on the inside.

Stone walls, Gordes. Digitized color slide, September 2001.

Today is market day in Saint-Aignan, but rain is predicted through the morning. I was thinking of going, but since we really don't need anything, I think I'll just stay home.


  1. The "prefers to be oudoors" cat is sulking because of the rain.... he went out after he'd scoffed his breakfast... via the barn [having looked at the rain through both front and back door.... ten minutes later he was paddling on the back door to be let in... since then, after scoffing a load of kibble, he's asked for both doors to be opened and just stood there... so I shut them.... he then went to the corridor that leads to the barn.... then he retired to the cushion on the settee and stuck his nose up his bum! It is clear from his looks since that I am not supplying the correct weather!!

  2. These stone and iron buildings are beautiful, especially in combination with a vivid blue sky.

  3. Yes, yes, Mitch, I love that blue next to the color of the stone. Look at those brakcets holding up the little balcony!
    I wish we could see the inside.
    Marketing would be no fun in the rain.

  4. Wonderful picture, Walt: up to heaven, on that terrace!

  5. Beautiful photo, wish I were there.

  6. tim, cats are curious creatures!

    mitch, agreed!

    judy, it would be nice to see the insides. A hotel or rental house would be one way to do it.

    jan, thanks!

    bettyann, the sun would feel nice right now!

  7. I sometimes wonder who lives in such a splendid abode and is the place so coveted they are passed down rather than ver go up for sale.


Tell me what you think!