Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Grape leaves

Newly emerging leaves explore the air space above the grape vines out back. Their predecessors got too unruly and had to be shorn off. These, too, will likely meet the shearer as the season continues.

Grape vine tendrils and new leaves.

The rear-view mirror on our 24 year-old Peugeot fell off the other day. So Ken's dealing with getting it reattached. The car still runs fine. LOL. We're expecting delivery of a weed-eater (strimmer) this weekend. If it works as we hope it will, it will come in handy getting to some the places the riding mower can't.


  1. That leaf doesn’t look grave. It looks quite cheerful to me.

  2. Thanks, mitch! I totally missed that typo.


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