Monday, July 29, 2024

Holy vineyard, Batman!

Or maybe that should be "holey" vineyard. There are holes in the vineyard parcels out back, places where a grape vine has died or is dying. In some cases, the grower will transplant another vine to fill in the "hole." In other cases, the holes will be left, sometimes signaling that an entire parcel will be dug up and replaced in the not so distant future.

A dead vine among the living. The vine behind it doesn't look very good, though.

Our new weed-eater arrived on Saturday afternoon. I assembled it on Sunday, charged up the batteries (it's a cordless battery-powered model) and took it for a test drive. So far, I'm very happy with it. Those pesky corners and other spots that the lawnmower can't navigate will finally get trimmed. It's not for big jobs, though. That would take a débroussailleuse (a heavy duty brush cutter) and this is only a coupe-bordure (a smaller string trimmer or "strimmer").


  1. Next comes the heavy duty brush cutter. You’re having too much fun.

  2. My husband is in charge of the lawn, in our household, and I know that he likes the weed whacker he uses, and appreciates having one for those applications. He did replace his original electric one with a similar one with a better battery, eventually.

  3. Happy strimming! New yard tools are fun.

  4. Interesting vocabulary lesson. - Chrissou

  5. mitch, I already have one. It's big and heavy and gasoline powered. We got it when we first moved in back in 2003 and the "lawn" was more than waist high.

    judy, I used the new one again yesterday and am liking it. Some weeds are little tough for it, but that's not a big problem.

    bettyann, :)

    chris, english or french?

  6. Good point; I meant French. I wonder how many tries would be required for me to flawlessly pronounce "débroussailleuse" (day-bruce-ay-œz...). -- Chris


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