Sunday, July 28, 2024

The light of day

One of the main features of this house, and one that made it attractive to us, was how bright the rooms are thanks to very large windows. Even on the dark days, we get enough light to brighten our spirits. Since we arrived, we've replaced most of the windows, converting them from typical French-style (opening into the room) to sliding windows that take up no space when open.

Olympic tennis on tv. The day was overcast and dark, but the living room felt light and bright.

I found some Olympic tennis to watch on Saturday on one of the streaming sports channels we get with our satellite package. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to watch a lot more in the next weeks. We're looking at another heat wave building in during the week with high temperatures in the low to mid 30sC (around 90ºF). Sleeping may be uncomfortable, but we do have a couple of fans.


  1. We couldn’t do 30s without AC but the windows and light in your house would have been a selling point for us, too.

  2. Your temps have gone from too cold to too hot. Crazy weather.

  3. Such a warm and welcoming space! - Chrissou

  4. I love that grouping of framed pictures that you have on the wall behind the TV, Walt.
    It's hard to imagine that the day was overcast and dark, looking at this sunny room!

  5. Around where I live windows are kept at a minimum to keep out sun. Think Jawa huts.

  6. mitch, they're saying 35º for Tuesday. We're gonna roast!

    bettyann, true!

    chris, :)

    judy, those are photos that Ken and I took over the years. Just random shots.

    michael, watch out for the sand people!


Tell me what you think!