Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tasha Tuesday

Over the last couple of weeks, and since our mini heat wave, we've been able to enjoy sitting out on the deck. Also, grilling. Tasha likes to snooze out there, but only if the window is open so she can listen to what's going on inside the house.

Tasha got up from her nap to see what I was up to.

It's cooler now, but not as chilly as it was before the heat wave. Another week or so and it will be August. Summer is fleeting. Even more so than usual this year, it seems. What's it feel like where you are?


  1. David here, from Australia - where it is winter LOL! And the coldest part of winter too - down to 7C at night, and only getting up to 23 or 24 C in the daytime. Admittedly, we do live in Queensland (which is the northern quarter of the country) and we live by the beach, so we are a bit spoilt. I'd hate to be living way down south in Melbourne, or even Sydney - way too cold!

  2. Here in the Drôme summer has arrived at last, maybe at the start of July, later than usual. Everything in the garden is later than normal - not even any courgettes for me yet, and my figs are small and rock hard! We’ve also had a few heavy storms and the village Foire aux Greniers was cancelled last Sunday. A wise decision, it rained all day. Sorry that you have no veg patch this year, but pleased to see you having fun on your new mower. :-)

  3. Feels like summer here, Warm and sometimes hot. And recently humid. Your background is so lush and the deck looks so inviting --- even more with Tasha.

  4. It has been a very hot summer here in Washington DC, several days over 100, it has cooled off into the 80's, kinda normal.

  5. This is my first summer in Minnesota so I have nothing to compare it to but neighbors say it’s normal with temperatures ranging from 75 to 90. One unusual thing is that the Mississippi River rose over 14 feet earlier this month, flooding several areas both upriver and downriver from me. Flooding usually happens in March or April.
    Your deck is looking beautiful and Tasha too.

  6. We are having a cooler than normal few weeks lately. Our temps are in 80s and low 90s. Kids go to school on Augut 8th.

  7. The patio looks SO nice! That kind of umbrella you chose is perfect there. Woo hoo!

  8. Mary in Oregon24 July, 2024 20:03

    Much nicer weather than the past two weeks of 100+ (104, 105's like that) - now in the low 80's but forecasts of 80's for a while. Twenty degrees cooler is BETTER!


Tell me what you think!