Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Look at that "S" car go!

I know. How many snail jokes are there in the world, I wonder? There's the one where two snails climb onto a tortoise's back. One snail says to the other, "Hold on, Sam, here we go!" If you know any others, feel free to post them in the comment section. You are allowed to do it anonymously.

Quick! Get out of the way!

The forecast is holding for a nice few days ahead. I will pick one of them for cutting the grass.


  1. “How fast does ‘escargot’?” “Depends who’s driving, mate!” 🚜.

  2. You and Anonymous shared the only two snail jokes I know that don’t make me groan in pain. Beautiful photo!

  3. Why don't French snails take much with them on a trip? L'ess Cargo

  4. anonymous, an Australian snail? ;)

    judy, double ha!

    mitch, triple ha!

    sassybear, hahahaha (quadruple ha)!

    1. Australian? Noo! It’s English farmer Pats. 🚜


Tell me what you think!