Thursday, July 18, 2024

The elephant in the vineyard

Or is it something out of "Mad Max?" Well, it's neither. It's part of a sprayer tractor that's been parked out under the walnut tree for a couple of days. From what I understand, the spray is a copper sulfate concoction known commonly as bouillie Bordelaise. It's used to help prevent fungus and mold from developing on the grape vine leaves. It's also used in home vegetable gardens for the same thing.

It looks like a mechanical elephant, or a not-so-wooley mammoth, to me.

I got out and cut the grass yesterday afternoon. It was a nice ride, even if a bit bumpy in spots. There's a small parcel left to do later this morning or this afternoon, depending on the dew situation. Then I'll be nearly out of gas, so a trip to the filling station (lol) is coming up in a week or so, before the next mowing day.


  1. Fungus is a problem I've grown to hate. My house has several big oaks and too much shade to keep the fungi at bay.

  2. What a great photo! And it does look like something out of Mad Max.


Tell me what you think!