Friday, July 12, 2024

Summer vines

The grape vines out back are lush this year. It was a very wet spring. Growers trim the vines to help concentrate their energies on fruit production rather than leaf production. And also to aerate the vines so molds and fungi can be kept at bay. Of course, I don'l know any of this; it's just assumption based on observation.

Recently trimmed grape vines.

Sometime during the night a thunderstorm moved through. I barely woke up, but it wasn't thunder that woke me. It was rain pounding down on the roof punctuated by the sound of Ken shutting windows. By the time he got the windows closed, the storm hand moved on and the rain came to an abrupt halt. The good news: no leaks in the roof, as far a we can tell.


  1. I think owning a vineyard would be really a lot of hard work. There are a lot of them an hour or so away from me in Charlottesville, VA. I fantasize about owning one, and then when I think of the work involved, I just enjoy going to one, not owning one!

  2. Mary in Oregon12 July, 2024 21:24

    Nice of Ken to let you sleep while he took care of the windows. I'll bet your contractor was relieved he didn't receive a call from the two of you about the roof repair.


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