Saturday, July 20, 2024

More machinery and a mini heat wave

I'm not complaining. I am NOT complaining. It's hot outside. We reached around thirty degrees yesterday and are expecting pretty much the same today. Then comes la dégringolade. Temperatures are expected to plummet as we move into next week, with thunderstorms and rain in the forecast. When that happens, I will be complaining. Oh, it won't be as bad as all that. I hope.

Nozzles. Or aliens from outer space.

Here's the third in my series of photos of the grape vine sprayer that was parked out back for a couple of nights. I think these are some of the spray nozzles. Have a good weekend!


  1. You finally have summer. We’re expecting mid-30s today. It’s already hot. You have such a great eye and your photos are exceptional. I love this. My art teacher would have been very happy with you... if you would paint this.

  2. mitch, it took its sweet time getting here!

  3. Although it is still daily above 40C at least we are used to it and everyone has AC


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