Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tasha Tuesday

Here she is on her morning walk last Friday; ever vigilant, keeping her eyes on the birds and watching for deer. And, of course, she inspected that tractor when we got close.

Tasha watches some birds as we approach the walnut tree and the tractor.

Yesterday was very warm, and sleeping last night was difficult. I slept for about an hour, maybe two, at the beginning, but was wide awake around midnight. The combination of the heat and my restless legs kept me getting up and down all night. Two fans running in the loft helped some with the heat. Today we're expecting a high of 34ºC (about 93ºF) and a little less than that tomorrow. All the windows are open this morning to let some cool air indoors. The sun's not up yet as I type this; sunrise happens at 06h31 today.


  1. That’s too hot for sleeping. Hope it passes soon. We’re keeping all the doors and windows closed here today. Not quite as hot as you, but still hot. And dusty Saharan air (calima). Not a good day to be outside.

  2. Very hot here in South Yorkshire today, we expect to complete combining today, barring any breakdowns! It willl be the earliest we have finished for years. Put a shallow foil dish of ice in front of your table fan (if you use one)….cools the air! Pats. 🚜.

  3. is there a possibility of getting a window ac just for the bedroom? or maybe your windows wouldn't work with one?

  4. Time to move to the downstairs bedroom.

  5. Have you tried drinking Tonic Water to help with your restless legs, it has helped me a lot!

  6. Mary in Oregon31 July, 2024 00:09

    That is too hot for sleeping! We are enjoying the second day of low 80's before back up to the 95+ starting tomorrow and no end in sight. Ugh. Ice in front of the fan sound like a good idea. I will try it!

  7. mitch, we have a touch of saharan dust, too. Not bad, though.

    pats, congrats! And thanks for the tip!

    judy, fortunately, we know it won't last. Of course, we said that in 2003 as well...

    melinda, I've not seen window units here, but people do put in ac units that pierce the walls.

    bettyann, always a possibility.

    donnalyn, I haven't tried that. I'll look into it!

    mary, very uncomfortable for sleeping!

  8. I have restless legs too. One thing I’ve found that calms it down is to apply body lotion to my legs and rub it in.


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