Monday, July 08, 2024

Let there be grapes

It looks like there are lots of grape bunches out there. Again, probably a result of the very wet spring we had. I'm not a grape grower, but I suspect some hot and dry weather would be welcomed as the grapes start to mature.

Young grapes on the vine.

The kids are out of school for the summer. Bastille Day is coming right up. The Tour de France is well under way. The Olympics in Paris are just around the corner. All we need now is some summery weather.


  1. You’re long overdue for some summery weather.

  2. I have been up early each day watching live coverage of the Tour.

  3. I'm frustrated that I now can't get any daily coverage of Le Tour, without a paid streaming service, only a weekend wrap-up. Even my French Channel on my cable only has it some days. I did just watch a very interesting Netflix docuseries about Lance Armstrong and the whole doping debacle back then... it was interesting.

  4. So hoping for some warmth and sunshine for you.

  5. mitch, today might be the day!

    travel, I saw that on your blog. Cool!

    judy, I have that problem sometimes with tennis tournaments.

    bettyann, thanks!


Tell me what you think!