Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Last evening a thunderstorm brushed by us. We got no rain, but we saw a lot of lightning and heard the thunder to our west. A breeze kicked up and I opened the loft windows for some ventilation. It sure felt good. As the storm moved away from us toward the north, we lost the sound of thunder, but the lightning was flashing fast and furious in the distance for several hours. It was amazing. I saw stars in the sky between the lightning flashes.

Tasha noses around in a little pine cone desert between a vineyard parcel and some woods.


  1. I love thunder and lightning. I probably shouldn’t since lightning can do so much damage and risks lives. But the power of Mother Nature is amazing. Always nice to see Tasha enjoying herself.

  2. When I checked weather late in our day, yesterday, I saw that it was in the 60s F in Saint-Aignan, and was glad to know that you had cooler sleeping temperatures :)


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