Thursday, September 01, 2022

Les vendanges

As I mentioned yesterday, the wine grape harvest has started out back. A big mechanical harvester picked a truckload of white grapes, I'm assuming it's sauvignon, and took them to the winery. Usually they start with the chardonnay to our north, but not this year. I wonder how much hand-harvesting they'll do and when that will start.

Let the harvest begin!

I decided I'd better get some photos of grapes before they're picked, so I went out the back gate for a few quick shots of red grapes. I think these are grolleau (someone once told us), a less common Loire Valley variety that's grown here and there around us.


  1. That photo is absolutely beautiful. The blue color is amazing!

  2. Grolleau - a new grape variety for me! They look completely ready for picking on the basis of your lovely photo.

  3. Beautiful picture of beautiful grapes. I hope the wine industry has a very successful year.

  4. mitch, and it's just like that, no enhancing!

    travel, we shall see next spring!

    evelyn, :)

    michael, and it's like that all over the place!

    sam, they're still on the vine this morning, but it's raining. It probably won't be long.

    bettyann, me too!

  5. How soon will you be able to try the wine made from these lovelies?


Tell me what you think!