Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Tasha again

Just another photo of the back yard with Tasha. She likes to inspect every smell, likely hoping to find some critter to chase. Callie used to find hedgehogs and go wild, but they more or less disappeared when Bert joined the family. Now that he's gone, maybe they'll come back.We get the occasional squirrel, but the most common visitors are the birds. And Tasha likes to chase birds.

Tasha inspects the fence line on the north side.

The biggest critters we've had in the yard are the deer. Once in a while, one will somehow get in, often by crashing through the fence at a weak point. The last one that got in had me and Tasha working together to herd it toward the open gate. It turned out that we weren't working together after all and I had to put her in the house and herd the deer myself until it found the open gate.


  1. I was trying to picture Tasha “working together” with you to her the deer.

  2. That must have been a sight! Good job on the grass, Walt.

  3. Both you and Ken made me chuckle today :)

  4. mitch, well, she is a sheepdog. I guess training is necessary to become a good herder!

    bettyann, :)

    judy, :))


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