Thursday, June 01, 2023

Anniversaries and artichokes

Today marks the 40th year that Ken and I have lived together, having moved into our first apartment together in Washington DC's Capitol Hill neighborhood on June 1, 1983. We were in that place for a few years before moving out to San Francisco toward the end of 1986. It's also the 20th anniversary of our flight to France with our dog, Collette. We arrived in Paris on June 2, 2003, spent some time with friends in Normandy, then headed down to Saint-Aignan to take possession of our house. What an adventure that was!

Artichokes, four for a euro.

These artichokes are younger than any of those milestones. I think we planted them in 2007 which makes them, what, 16 years old now? Not as young as I thought. There were four at first. Only two remain.

In more mundane news, I'm getting my hair cut today at a shop in Saint-Aignan, the first time we've gone there. Our regular stylist hung up her scissors last month, so we had to look for a new place. Ken went on Tuesday and liked it, so I've got an appointment for today.


  1. Did you ever try to eat them at this stage?.

  2. P.S.My comment on Ken’s blob goes for you too, dear Walt.

  3. June 1 is a big day in your lives. I love our unknown-at-the-time connections. We arrived in D.C. 16 days later and left in '83. SG worked on Capital Hill. Happy anniversaries to you both.

  4. Happy Anniversary, and "bonne continuation!"

  5. Jan from Perth01 June, 2023 10:14

    As I wrote on Ken's blog: congratulations guys!

  6. Congratulations! Soon you will have lived more than half of your lives together in la belle France.

  7. Congratulations to you and Ken. A part cela, I'm trying to remember which writer gave us "Vous avez un coeur d'artichaut."

  8. Happy Anniversary. I couldn't have asked for a better person to be in my brothers life. You two are very special. I think he chose well.

  9. Happy Anniversary! Big hugs coming from Florida to you both!

  10. I hope you liked your hair cut, too! Happy anniversaries!

  11. Congratulations! What a life! Christine from California

  12. Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts! :)


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