Wednesday, June 07, 2023

The vegetable garden, 2023 edition

The garden is planted and growing. It's hard not to be impatient. I want it to grow faster.

This year's vegetable garden. So far, it's working much better than last year's.

On the left are ten tomato plants tied to wooden stakes. One of them was damaged by a hot day in the greenhouse, so it's smaller than the others, but it is sending up new shoots, so I'm happy. Behind the toms are three zucchini plants. They've started making flowers, but their early flowers won't become fruit. Behind them is one newly planted row of yellow beans (it looks like a dark strip) and another already sprouted row of green beans.

To the extreme right, near where Tasha is standing, is a cold frame. Inside is planted some collard greens and dinosaur kale seeds. We're not sure how they'll do, but we're trying nonetheless. Then, sort of in the foreground, there are two pumpkin plants. If they work, they'll fill in all that empty space around them. There's also a mystery plant near one of the pumpkins. It came up there and I have no idea what it is. I'm letting it stay for now because I'm curious. It may just be a weed.

In upcoming posts I'll show some close-ups.


  1. Looking forward to the rest of the story...

  2. Thanks for this. Now we’ll have something to compare with future garden pictures.

  3. Ooh, a mystery plant :)
    Tasha is a good girl, sitting there and watching :) Has she shown any more signs of wondering what happened to Bert?

  4. evelyn, me too!

    bettyann, let's hope!

    judy, she perks up when we mention his name, but that's about it.

    vza, thanks!

  5. This is exciting. It seems to take forever to take off and you then suddenly have a feast.


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