Thursday, June 08, 2023


Here's a closer look at the tomato patch. And the kind of soil we have to deal with these days. When I planted the seedlings, I scooped some compost into each hole. I've also fertilized each plant with granules (organic) formulated especially for tomatoes. After gardening on the same spot for almost twenty years, and what with drought and heat waves in many of those years, I'm thinking that our soil must be depleted of nutrients.

I took special care to plant the root balls and the lower part of the stems horizontally to encourage root growth in our dry and rocky soil. That's why the watering looks a little lopsided. I've always read that one should plant tomatoes that way, but I never bothered until now.

I've been adding compost to the soil for a long time, but apparently not enough. I also practice crop rotation, but again, maybe not enough. If we get good results this year, I'll chalk it up to the engrais (fertilizer). And to the deep tilling that our landscape contractor did in March.


  1. In the states we have a County extension office that will soil test to see what you need, does France have the equivalent?

  2. My dad always tilted the tomatoes like that and his tomatoes were the best I've ever eaten. He also soaked the hole with water before he put each plant in.

  3. I’ve also read that planting horizontally is best for tomatoes. Good luck!

  4. You're going to have a lot of tomatoes!

  5. Oh boy, feengairs een zee crawss as Stephane Plaza always says it --ha!

  6. anon, I'm sure there is. I've never investigated.

    evelyn, good practices, both, from what I've read.

    bettyann, I hope it helps for ours!

    mitch, sauce for the freezer!

    judy, lol :)

  7. My soul swoons every summer to see them.


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