Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Wild bellflower and weather

Wildflowers proliferate among the grape vines, especially in the margins around the vineyard parcels and in adjacent fields left fallow or otherwise uncultivated. These are campanules sauvages (wild bellflower). I read that there are many varieties of this flower growing across Europe and I'm not sure which this is. But "wild bellflower" will do.

Wild bellflower among the grape vines.

I cut the strip of grass outside our hedges and back gate yesterday. The grass is dry and easy to cut, such a contrast from the last time I mowed. Today I hope to get the south forty done, and the other two sections of the yard done by Friday. Rain is predicted for the weekend (yay!), so I want to get the mowing done before that.


  1. The plantain wasnts to be noticed too lol!

  2. evelyn, plantain?

    judy, they still say it's coming...


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