Sunday, November 12, 2023

Mushroom bloom

Apparently, it's a good year for wild mushrooms. I've been seeing them "pop up" in social media, so here's my entry. These are growing in our back yard in a wide arc under a fir tree. And there they'll stay. I'm no expert in mushroom lore and would never eat a wild mushroom. Like I'm fond of saying: all mushrooms are edible. Once. Our fungus comes from the supermarket or the mushroom vendor at the outdoor market who grows her 'shrooms in a local cave.

Mushrooms in our back yard.

The wind is howling again this morning, but nowhere near what it was like just a short while ago. And it rained over night. I didn't sleep much, but I don't think it was the weather's fault.

Champignons in French. More from the back yard.


  1. These mushrooms look good enough to eat...once lol.

  2. You mustn't talk to goblin men; you mustn't eat their fruits; who knows upon what soil they fed, their thirsty hungry roots?

  3. evelyn, their tops get flat and wide and then they keel over.

    michael, words to the wise. :)

  4. We have many friends who go mushroom hunting and they know what they’re doing. I’d be so nervous.


Tell me what you think!