Friday, November 03, 2023

Roof work

I saw this in the courtyard of the buildings adjoining the cathédrale St.-Pierre d'Angoulême. There's an attachement at the end of this crane for lifting materials, in this case new roof tiles, up to the roof.

A whopping crane.

Now that the storm Ciarán has passed, and the cleanup is under way in the hardest-hit areas, the weather people are predicting a second storm for Saturday night. More high winds, more rain. It's not officially une tempête (storm) yet; it's still classified as une dépression (a low pressure system). But it's got a name. I haven't yet seen a projected path for "Domingos," but we're likely on the southern edge again.


  1. Storm Ciarán has done so much damage. Hope the next round is a minor incident. I love those machines. Would love to go for a ride in one.

  2. Hoping your area is out of the path of anything nasty from the storm. Headaches, having to worry about it, though.

  3. Cranes are amazing these days. Some of them are enormous.

  4. mitch, I hope so, too. Did you, by any chance, have Tonka trucks when you were a kid? :)

    judy, thanks. We're hopeful for things to calm down, especially for the people on the coast.

    evelyn, gi-hugic! LOL

  5. I don't know why I didn't have Tonka trucks. But the kid brother did.


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