Friday, November 10, 2023

Vending bread

Vindelle is a small town. So small, in fact, that it doesn't have, and maybe can't support, a single bakery. A French town without a boulangerie? There are likely many more than we think. In Vindelle's center, we saw a vending machine for bread. The bakery (le Fournil d'Anaïs, Anaïs' Oven) that makes the bread and stocks the machine is located six kilometers away in a town called Vars.

The bakery in Vars also sells roasted chickens on Sundays, birthday cakes, wedding cakes, and Italian ice cream.

Of course, it happened that we needed a baguette one day, so Ken walked into town and bought one from the machine. It takes debit cards, so he didn't even need cash. The baguette was perfect, as fresh and good as if he had bought it in a bakery. I'll never chuckle about bread vending machines again.


  1. That's wonderful! Except, of course, for the town not being able to support having a boulangerie :(

  2. A great idea for a tiny village.

  3. Incredible. In Switzerland you can find chocolate and cheese machines along hiking trails.

  4. I loved the bread vending machine photo so much I forwarded it with a french explanation to my classmates! I got a favorable response! I didn't ask for your permission - but I did not commercialize it - merely for information and curiosity's sake! I hope you don't mind.

  5. this is so French it makes me squirm.


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