Tuesday, January 02, 2024

The other view

Here's the view of the dining area from the living area. Can you tell I have no new photos to post? Ken and I painted the walls in a sage green the year after we moved in. That was a big job and one that I can't fathom doing now. A few years later, we painted the beige kitchen in a bright mustard yellow. The hall and stairwell, which were originally covered in wallpaper, got painted white in 2010, the year we finished the attic/loft.


The holiday tree is gone now; it and the other decorations are packed away for another year. I still have lights on the outside of the house, but I won't get those in until the weather improves. We're having a little storm, it seems, with lots of wind and some rain.


  1. Bonne Année, Bonne Santé et Meilleurs Voeux à vous.... surtout Bonne Santé!!
    Mlease Prink in Doderation.... hipps!
    And the Mustard Yellow and Sage Green go wonderfully together!!
    Have a good 2024!!

    1. And today looks like being a "stay indoors and make leftover soup" sort of day!!

  2. So warm and cheerful inside. I love your color choices.

  3. It just looks so nice. I love the colors and the furnishings and the objects around the room and on the walls.

  4. la maison est bonne (do I have this right?)

  5. Such a comfortable space.

  6. Still need to get the tree put away here, ugh. Getting rid of all that wallpaper was a major undertaking.

  7. You have such a cozy home and so well decorated.

  8. I love your house, especially your egg yolk yellow kitchen. Stay inside, drink red wine, stay warm.

  9. tim, happy new year to you all as well!

    mitch, I always wish that we had under-floor heating. Those tiles can get cold in the winter. But they didn't have such a thing when the house was built in the mid 60s. I don't think a retrofit would work; all the tile would have to be destroyed.

    judy, thanks!

    michael, the house is good! Let's hope so!

    evelyn, Ken did a lot of it, but we needed to call in the pros for the higher up spots, especially over the stairs.

    diane, thank you!

    bettyann, no problem there! ;)


Tell me what you think!