Friday, March 05, 2021

Bloomin' trees

The white flowers are on a plum tree and the pink flowers are on a fruitless cherry of some kind. The plum is next door and the cherry is in our yard. We have the same kind of plum tree (that Ken planted from a pit) on the other end of our yard. It's in full bloom now as well.

Early spring colors.

These colors, along with the yellow forsythia, are showing up all around us. Out in the woods, what I think is aubépine (hawthorn) is starting to bloom, too. It's feeling like spring, but it's going to get chilly again over the weekend.


  1. Wow. They look amazing.

  2. These are the colors of the Mexican flag.

  3. It's starting in the Paris area, too. Beautiful!

  4. Wonderful colors, hope that happens here, soon

  5. Sorry about the chill, but, oh, that photo is glorious!

  6. Such beautiful flowering trees! I hope your shoulder feels better soon.

  7. Your spring seems about the same as ours this year. I welcome it.

  8. lovely!
    How are the vines coming along?


Tell me what you think!