Friday, May 28, 2021

Soaker hose

This is my first attempt at configuring the soaker hose in the vegetable garden. The good news is that the hose seems to work just fine. The bad news is that I might need more. I'm going to rework the layout today so that I can get things planted, leaving space for future rows of green and yellow beans. I may have to get another shorter length of hose in the coming weeks.

The first layout attempt comes up a little short, but now I know what I'm dealing with.

The hose is fifty meters long. I may need another ten or fifteen meters to do what I originally planned. I'll see how I feel when I lay it out a little differently. I want to plant the kale and chard plants along the edge of plot (that's closest in the photo) so that if we decide to leave them over winter, they won't be in the middle of the plot when it's time to till it up.

The weather has improved as forecast. I should be able to plant out the seedlings on Saturday. I'll also plant the first row of green bean seeds.


  1. Looking good. Is this the first time you've used a soaker hose in the vegetable garden?

  2. I think you will be very pleased with the soaker hoses.

  3. I learn so much about practical things from you and Ken. Not that I'm likely to become a vegetable gardener, but it is kind of fascinating. I like to think you two will live forever, with all of your healthy organic produce!

  4. I got one in the desert garden. It is a necessity here.


Tell me what you think!