Monday, April 08, 2024


This is either a fruitless cherry or a fruitless plum. Who can say? It's fruitless. Whatever it is, it's putting on its annual show in our back yard right now.

Pink flowers on a fruitless tree.

The frogs in the pond outside of our back gate are in fine form, voice-wise. They're croaking up a storm, day and night. And every time I walk by, they shut up and retreat under water until I've passed. Ribbit!


  1. I THINK that’s a cherry. The blossoms look like they’re in clusters. Plum blossoms are each on their own little stem. Either way it’s beautiful.

  2. That frog thing is a hoot :)
    Good info to know, Mitch :)
    Lovely tree photo. I do love spring :)

  3. Froggy went a courtin, he did ride.

  4. mitch, I think you're probably right.

    judy, I don't know if those frogs are the eatin' variety...

    evelyn, LOL! :)


Tell me what you think!