Friday, April 26, 2024

Wet weekend ahead

Looks like rain will be moving in later today and staying with us through the weekend. So much for getting more grass cut. I did the north forty yesterday afternoon, so at least there's that. As usual, it was much easier to cut the second time than the first.

I'm just a dandy lion.

Tasha has her annual vet visit this afternoon. A quick checkup and her shots and that'll be that for another year. Next month she has a grooming appointment. It will be six months since her last grooming, probably a month or two too long. I need to get her into a four month schedule. She's looking like a clydesdale around the ankles.


  1. The dandelion photo is a masterwork!

  2. mitch, judy, thanks! 100mm macro lens on the camera.

  3. Walt - I would love to brush Tasha for you! I bet she would get used to you brushing her and loving the added attention!

  4. Mary in Oregon01 May, 2024 22:08

    I was anonymous!


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