Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Tasha Tuesday

It's apple blossom time! Our two (remaining) apple trees are flowering now. I took this photo on Sunday; since then there are even more open blossoms on the trees. Tasha likes to look for critters she hears moving through the tall grass. Unlike Bert (who was an expert hunter), she can't catch anything.

Tasha's standing in the SE corner of the vegetable garden. It's getting to be tilling time.

I'm afraid that the profusion of blossoms on the trees (there were hardly any last year) will mean tons of apples this year. Tons of apples that will have to be gathered up before mowing the grass in summer. Whoa! I'm getting ahead of myself. Before I worry about summer, I've got to get the grass cut now before it gets totally out of control. A few dry days would be nice.


  1. I’m glad Tasha isn’t a skilled killer. We had a friend in Connecticut who couldn’t understand why we fed and watered our lawns. He’d howl, “That’ll just make it grow!”

  2. Tasha is so beautiful just like Colette that is making an appearance on your sidebar.

  3. mitch, your friend was right! ;) I neither feed nor water the grass (and the other plants that constitute our "lawn.") They seem to still grow.

    evelyn, I've been thinking about Collette recently. Such a good doggy!


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