Sunday, April 28, 2024

Wild orchid

Wild orchids are abundant (or seem to be) in the margins of the vineyards and in near-by fields. They even pop up in our back yard but, with a few exceptions, they eventually get mowed down with the grass.

A wild orchid. There's a spider's web just visible in the background.

Yesterday's rain did stop me from going to the market in the morning. Or, rather, the rain was my excuse. I really didn't feeling like going at all. It rained off and on most of the day, then the bottom dropped out after sunset. We had a couple hours of continuous moderate rain, then it suddenly stopped at bed time. Earlier in the evening, I built a fire in the wood stove to warm things up.


  1. Any excuse to not go to the market. Brilliant photo.

  2. Beautiful shot. Cold rain keeps me at home too.

  3. The vendors must dread when rain is in the forecast, knowing that they will have fewer buyers.
    It's great that you have that fireplace for taking the unexpected rainy chill out of the air, in spring.

  4. mitch, usually I'm happy to go, but I wasn't into it this weekend.

    bettyann, :(

    judy, hopefully we'll be warming a little as we get into May.


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