Thursday, April 18, 2024

Sunday sunrise

This was last Sunday's sunrise. The sky was filled with jet trails; a few of them are visible in this shot. They lasted longer than usual and made interesting patterns. I'm easily amused.

Fog lies low in the Cher Valley as airliners criss-cross the sky. Looking toward the north east from out in the vineyards.

As predicted, our mornings are quite chilly this week. Extra blankets are on the bed and the heat is coming on again. I haven't built a fire, yet. But if this continues... There's still a danger of frost as the morning lows start to flirt with zero. Now it's time to bundle up and walk the dog.


  1. Breathtaking view. Brilliant photo.

  2. So am I easily amused.... I took similar photos... very probably, your jests also passed over us!!

  3. mitch, :)

    tim, could be!


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