Saturday, April 06, 2024

Where are we now?

I'm not at all sure where these next few images were taken. They could be from Châteauneuf-du-Pape (why, when I type that name, does it always come out as Châteauneuf-du-Papa?). Or, it could be from one of the nearby towns. Séguret comes to mind. I'll continue to look for clues.

This looks like a fig tree beside a curvy street. Provence, September 2001.

It's supposed to be a warm day today. I have plans to go to the market (for asparagus) and to the vet's office to pick up some dental chews and a new sack of kibble for Tasha.


  1. What a beautiful photo. I love all the textures.

  2. I hope your market visit was enjoyable :)

  3. Yes, that looks like a fig tree that has adapted itself for a small space.


Tell me what you think!