Saturday, November 02, 2013

A white flower

There are still plenty of wildflowers blooming in the vineyards. I don't know what this one is called, but it's everywhere right now. There are also a few daisies, and some other flowers here and there. Otherwise, fall is grinding in.

A tiny white flower that blooms in the fall.

I'm amazed that it's November already. The months seem to be going by very quickly right now. I hope that lasts through winter and that it slows down for spring and summer. Lots of luck, right? At any rate, I'm already looking forward to spring and planting the next vegetable garden.


  1. It's a solanum of some sort (aubergine, potato family).

    1. Agree with Susan on Solanum...
      Would hazard a guess at Hairy Nightshade [Solanum villosum] or Black Nightshade [S. nigrum]....
      both plants of bare and waste spaces...
      both with white flowers...
      but would need to see more of the leaf shape to be certain...

    2. susan, tim, thanks for the help. I looked up some images on Google and what I saw looks much more like s. nigrum to me. And, I know I've seen their black berries before, so I'll look for them again.

  2. Newsiness - that song will be in my head 'all day long'. :)

  3. bettyann, yeah, mine too!


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