Sunday, October 06, 2019


Every year I post a photo of grapes in an abandoned vineyard parcel out along our walking route. It's too bad that there's no one to work the vines in this parcel. Either there's no heir that's interested, or whoever owns the land doesn't want to sell, or there's no buyer if he does.

Unpruned, unharvested, these grape vines have been abandoned. The grapes will be eaten by wildlife or rot.

By now, shrubs and small trees have invaded. If anyone does want to work the parcel, I think everything would have to be dug up and they'd have to start from scratch. We've seen some vineyard parcels out back dug up and re-planted over the years, but none of them had been left to go wild.


  1. I wonder what the story is. A boon for he wildlife. And exquisite colors.

  2. Your image of the week is amazing. I can't quite figure it out.

  3. It's nice to know they will likely be used by nature, in one way or another. Lovely picture.

  4. Is it against the law for people to eat grapes growing out on a vineyard? I suppose that even if it weren't clearly an abandoned vineyard, a person being fined could claim that they thought it was. So, is it a big no-no to grab a few grapes?

  5. I was thinking the same as Judith.... harvest a kilo or two and make Grape jelly... we've some of Susan's and it is ace.

  6. Are the up for grabs for whoever wants them?


Tell me what you think!