Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Chaos! In a good way

We were expecting the deck guys. I had a doctor appointment not long after they were to arrive. What we weren't counting on was the plumber showing up. He told us "the end of April," so he's not wrong. It's just that he didn't call to tell us which day or what time. So, as I'm talking to the mason about the water on the deck, the plumber pulls in to empty our central heating system and spend the day working. We're having three radiators removed: one re-installed elsewhere, another being replaced by a towel warmer (in the WC), and another taken away altogether.

A moisture barrier was installed on the deck surface yesterday.

The fact that the plumber didn't give us a warning meant we were not ready for him. We've been waiting for a year for him to do this work, so we weren't about to turn him away. We had to scramble to move furniture, get things off the walls, and make sure the deck guy's stuff in the garage wasn't in the way of the plumber's work there. And I had to leave for the doctor's office as all this was going on. Ken and Tasha did a great job of moving stuff around in concert with the plumber's work while I was gone. I helped finish when I got back. The deck guys work outside, so there wasn't much to worry about there.

Since we haven't had heat since yesterday morning, the house is pretty cold. I couldn't build a fire yesterday because the deck guys were working right over my log pile and chopping block. So I was out at six-thirty this morning splitting logs. The fire is now going and the living room is warming up. The plumber should arrive at 08h00. We should have heat back before the end of the day. The deck guys won't be here until this afternoon. They may be starting the tile laying today. I'm not sure.


  1. When it rains, it pours. Or in this case when it doesn't rain, it pours. It would make me want to punch and then hug the plumber. Not my kind of contractor, but at least he's finally doing the work. Exciting about the deck. A moisture barrier. Hallelujah!

  2. Expect the unexpected- that's life! So glad you will be warm today.

  3. Good chaos and it will be finished soon!

  4. What a busy day! Kudos to Tasha for helping.

  5. Brrr. At least you had the option of building a fire for warmth! Did the contractor's put the ladder next to the metal balcony and then climb over it to the deck? If so, I agree with Ken - sounds a bit dangerous to me. Yes - kudos to Tasha for helping out.

  6. I'd have a complete breakdown. Too much happening all at once. You are sturdier men than I.


  7. Oh, that moisture barrier looks like good stuff!

  8. mitch, this is not the first time. When things happen in France, they seem to happen all at once.

    evelyn, it should be warming up through the weekend and staying dry. Yay!

    bettyann, fingers crossed!

    mary, yes, that's what they're doing. They're younger and more nimble than either of us is.

    sean, if we still get water on the deck after all this, I'll have a breakdown.

    judy, let's hope so. Even more important is the slope of the deck...

  9. We used an membrane from that company in our showers, the contractor said they are the best in the world. For what he charged they better be.


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