Sunday, April 02, 2023


To enter the château at Chaumont, visitors pass over a drawbridge. It's difficult to see in this photo, but if you look closely you may see the beams over either side of the door to which are attached the chains that made the bridge operable. I don't know if it can actually close these days, but that would be cool, wouldn't it?

The drawbridge is a short section between the castle door and the larger fixed bridge in front. March 2006.

Just after crossing the drawbridge, visitors paid their admission charge. Now, and for a while, that's all taken care of on the edges of the property at the entrances (I believe there are two).


  1. I like the fir trees throughout.

  2. I really must go back here to see the inside of the chateau.

  3. mitch, :)

    evelyn, they look like they've been there for long while.

    bettyann, I'll post some pictures soon.

    judy, :) Hope you're feeling better!


Tell me what you think!