Sunday, April 30, 2023


This is the lilac that we planted oh, so many years ago. I just went back through the blog and checked; it was 2006, seventeen years ago. Holy time warp, Batman.

Our 17 year-old purple lilac.

Today I'm going to let Tasha enjoy the deck. She doesn't weigh much (a little more than ten kilos) so I'm sure it will be ok. I'm not walking on the tiles or putting out furniture yet, following the mason's instructions. But I'll start tomorrow. I can't wait to get the grill set up!


  1. Looking forward to seeing the deck all put together. Lilac is another beautiful and old bush we had in Connecticut. Aaaaah. When I read 2006 and then 17 years, I thought you had counted wrong. Wow.

  2. Lilacs are my mostest, favoritist spring flower. Thank you!

  3. Glad that you planted that lilac for us to see today.

  4. I can't tell you the brownie points I earned bringing bunches of lilacs to the nuns at school each spring when I was little. [Not that I needed the brownie points. ;)]

  5. I can smell them from here.

  6. mitch, I'm looking forward to it, too.

    bettyann, cool!

    evelyn, :)

    judy, :)

    myk, awww...

    michael, my grandmother had a nice lilac in her back yard when I was a kid. Pale blue flowers, wonderful fragrance. Now it and she are just happy memories.

  7. Darn. I must have forgotten to hit publish yesterday!


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